BioFires is happy to provide its customers with a Price Match Guarantee.
This guarantee applies when you notify us before the purchase of the product(s). BioFires will require its customer to provide evidence of the price we are matching, in a form that we see fit.
Please be aware that this guarantee cannot be applied after your purchase. This guarantee is only valid for fireplaces (not accessories or other non-fireplace items) that are sold on the BioFires website. Fireplaces must be identical in model, size, material, colour, specification, brand and their price competitor must be located within the UK in order to be considered for BioFires' Price Match Guarantee.
All shipping expenses must also be included during our price matching. BioFires Price Match Guarantee may be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of BioFires. BioFires reserves the right to refuse a price match where we suspect misuse of any quotes presented to us. When a customer purchases an order through our Price Match Guarantee, it must comply with BioFires Terms and Conditions. All sales are final. If you have any questions regarding BioFires Price Match Guarantee, please feel free to contact us at mailto: info@biofires.com