Bespoke Bio Ethanol Long Line of Fire
If your project calls for a fireplace that needs to be made especially for you, we now have the facilities available and can offer bespoke fireplace services. The made-to-order long bioethanol ribbon fireplaces are supplied by the world leader in the manufacturing of quality and sophisticated burners – Planika.
Fire Line Automatic 3 (FLA3).
This bespoke model is of the highest standards and delivers the most stunning look as well as operates with outstanding functionality. It includes remote control or Wi-Fi, a six flame level regulations, automatic ignition, and numerous safety sensors. Moreover, you can choose to finish it in any RAL colour, in either matt or full gloss.

The model can fit your product specification in the length of anything between 790 mm to 2500 mm. Custom-shaped angled fireplaces are also available and so is bespoke Forma casing.
If you need an even longer fireplace, you could consider placing several standard units one next to another with a reduced gap on the joining. This way you’ll create the length you need. The fireplace will then need individual filling up. However, it will be centrally controlled by one device (remote control, tablet, phone, or SHS).
The key factors to look at when considering a bespoke fire:
- ROOM SIZE – the standard FLA3 unit, which is 1190 mm, requires a minimum of 94m3 room cubature, longer units will require more.
- WHO WILL BE USING THE FIRE? – if the fireplace is for private home use, consider the budget. If the option is for a commercial property, consider the frequency of refilling.
- IS IT FOR SHOW OR FOR DAILY USE? – the fireplace produces a stunning flame but also consumes quite a bit of fuel. Make sure that the end user understands the nature of bio fires, the need for refilling, and the burning time from one refill.
- BUDGET – a bespoke bioethanol fire burner with remote control is likely to cost £4500-£15000. Make sure the project allows for such a budget. If the budget is smaller but you still want the highest quality of fire, you may consider the PRIME FIRE. This more inexpensive model comes in four sizes and has 2-level flame regulation. The price for this unit starts at £2700. If your budget is even tighter but you still wish to have a stunning fireplace, have a look at our Ribbon Flame Bio Containers. However, please note that they are not suitable for installation in joineries and require specific size openings.
- LEAD TIME – bespoke fireplaces take much longer to produce as there is a stage of testing and product development before the unit can reach you.
- HEAT OUTPUT – this is often overlooked as people tend to think of bio-ethanol fireplaces as ‘fake’ fires since they don’t require a chimney. But please be aware that a 1.2 m line of fire can produce up to 9.4 kW of heat, while a longer fire will produce even more. Note that as there is no chimney in the room, 100% of the heat coming from the real flame stays in the room.
To get a quote for your BESPOKE BIO FIRE, please email us, providing all the information you may need. This will ensure a smooth analysis of your project and a faster reply
Please copy the text below and fill in the relevant information in an email for a full quote.
- SIZE OF ROOM: width, length & height of ceiling OR volumetric dimensions of the room
- COLOUR OF FINISH OF THE FIREPLACE UNIT: i.e. black glossy, black matt, stainless steel, red glossy, etc.
- GLASS SHIELD REQUIRED: one side / both sides/none
- YOUR CONTACT DETAILS: full name and position within the project, email address, telephone number
- PROPERTY TYPE: commercial/residential
- YOUR REFERENCE: i.e. address line or name of the project